I’m having trouble with the download link
For any technical problems with digitally downloading products or email links, first try clearing your cache and then temporarily disabling any browser extensions (adblock, etc) you might have running.
I think the file I downloaded may have some errors.
Some users experience errors in the file after downloading. For 99% of users the download process has corrupted the file and can be solved by issuing a new download link.
For file errors, get a new download link here.
My download link expired
It happens! Get a new download link here.
I clicked the download link on my phone, and now it won’t work when I click it from my computer
You’ll need a new download link issued. Click here.
I didn’t receive my download link
If you also didn’t receive an order confirmation or receipt, it’s likely there’s a typo in the email address you entered. Get in touch using the contact form and be sure to provide the full name you put on the order, as well as your email address